• Diabetes elevates the risk of depression--study

    Updated: 2010-12-31 11:17:56
    Skip navigation Your Health First Fri Dec 31 09:46:43 2010 Write for us Subscribe to RSS Advertise with us Editor's Blog My Health Health News Alternative Health Beauty Nutrition Vitamins Supplements Fitness Healthy Skin Kids Parenting Men's Health Mind Body Me work Sex Relationships Weight Control Women's Health Industry Conferences Diagnostics Equipments Product Launches Pharma R D Recalls Rulings Veterinary From the Gurus Allopathy Ayurvedic Alternative Medicine Homeopathy Ask Dr . Weil Blogs Readers' queries Forums D2D Lounge General Discussions Health Ailments Your Queries Therapies Questions and Answers Listings Classifieds Directory Events Glossary Jobs Home Diabetes elevates the risk of depression--study by Neharika Sabharwal December 31, 2010 Although depression can strike anyone

  • 25 Magical Manipulations for Your Health

    Updated: 2010-12-29 00:48:42
    I present my New Book: “25 Magical Manipulations for Your Health”. This book tells about methods of alternative medicine that I use in my daily practice. Here is a short description. *** I do not withhold any of my secrets. I share some simple hints on self help or helping others with everyone of my [...]

  • Dec 27, Gardasil Vaccination Against Anal Cancer

    Updated: 2010-12-27 18:58:12
    Colon Cancer Resource Helping you find a cure Gardasil Vaccination Against Anal Cancer For the latest information on the Gardasil vaccination against anal cancer and current news on other colon cancer topics , please accept a free weekly subscription to the CCR . Newsletter A Gardasil vaccination against anal cancer is a new health recommendation . Gardasil is a vaccine used to fight off infections from human papilloma virus or genital warts . It has been proven to prevent types 11, 6, 16 and 18 of human papilloma virus . These are the most common types you can get and if you add the incidence together , you get a reduction in the incidence of infection by 90 percent . It has been in use for several years for young girls and teens who want to protect themselves from getting this sexually

  • Dec 23, chemo

    Updated: 2010-12-23 16:13:10
    why does the kids and everybody need so much chemo, doesn't it kill them?

  • UK survival for major cancers improves, but still lags behind other countries

    Updated: 2010-12-22 11:50:00
    Despite gaining ground, survival rates for newly diagnosed breast, ovarian, bowel and lung cancers were still lower in the UK than in Australia, Canada and Sweden between 1995 and 2007, a new study in the Lancet medical journal shows.

  • Professor Nic Jones appointed chief scientist of Cancer Research UK

    Updated: 2010-12-17 09:46:00
    A world-leading cancer researcher has been appointed as the next Chief Scientist of Cancer Research UK. Professor Nic Jones, currently Director of Cancer Research UK¿s Paterson Institute within the University of Manchester, takes up the role on 1 February 2011, succeeding Professor Sir David Lane.

  • Genetic markers could improve prostate cancer test

    Updated: 2010-12-16 11:27:00
    Analysing small genetic variations (called SNPs) could provide a more accurate gauge for men's prostate cancer risk, report scientists at the company deCODE genetics.

  • Joint position statement issued to provide vitamin D clarity

    Updated: 2010-12-16 10:23:00
    Cancer Research UK has joined with the British Association of Dermatologists, Diabetes UK, the Multiple Sclerosis Society, the National Heart Forum, the National Osteoporosis Society and the Primary Care Dermatology Society to issue a joint position statement on vitamin D.

  • Study finds cancer patients may face increased risk of food-borne illness listeria

    Updated: 2010-12-15 17:00:00
    People with cancer face an increased risk of developing the food-borne illness listeria, UK scientists have reported in the journal Emerging Infectious Diseases.

  • Dec 15, Diet before colonoscopy

    Updated: 2010-12-15 10:42:20
    Can you eat pizza three days prior to colonoscopy

  • Dec 15, A lump in the anal passage

    Updated: 2010-12-15 10:41:56
    What could a lump the size of a plum be in the anal passage, that can be felt through the vaginal passage?

  • Dec 15, foods that can be eaten 2 days before colonoscopy

    Updated: 2010-12-15 10:41:36
    can i have tomato sauce

  • Dec 14, Intestinal Cancer

    Updated: 2010-12-14 19:43:08
    Intestinal cancer is staged similar to colon cancer with stage I being small, well localized cancer and stage IV being metastatic disease. Doctors can determine the stage of the cancer at the time surgery is performed to remove the tumor and lymph

  • GPs to get powers to refer suspected cancer patients for tests

    Updated: 2010-12-14 15:38:00
    Patients with suspected cancer are to get faster access to diagnostic tests, under new government proposals set to be announced by Andrew Lansley today (December 14th).

  • Single gene essential for oestrogen response in breast cancer

    Updated: 2010-12-12 18:01:00
    Cancer Research UK scientists have discovered that a single gene controls the oestrogen-fuelled growth of breast cancer cells, according to research published in Nature Genetics today (Sunday).

  • Why Women Ignore The Fact That Regular Mammograms Prevent Breast Cancer

    Updated: 2010-12-11 00:57:15
    Boston (SmartAboutHealth) – A new study has shown that more than 50% of women who are over the age of 40 are ignoring the fact that they should get mammograms regularly in order to help with the early detection of, and prevention of breast cancer. The study was led by Milayna Subar, M.D. along with [...]

  • Dec 10, Colon Cancer Stage III-metastases and treatment

    Updated: 2010-12-10 10:42:07
    My mom was diagnosed with colon cancer stage III at July of 2009, after having surgery, where 52 lymph nodes from the neighbor area of the bowel were removed.

  • Dec 10, work during colon cancer chemo therapy

    Updated: 2010-12-10 10:41:11
    Can I work during chemo for stage 2 colon cancer? Has anyone else experienced this

  • Dec 10, adrenol carninoma

    Updated: 2010-12-10 10:40:45
    what is the treatment for adreno carcanom

  • Dec 10, Bone metastasis from colon cancer

    Updated: 2010-12-10 10:40:00
    I was diagnosed in Oct. 05 with stage IV had colon and liver resection for 1 met. Had another met show up in my liver in Aug. 07. Had a liver resection

  • Older men get less effective prostate cancer care : new US study

    Updated: 2010-12-08 15:53:31
    Old age is no hindrance to benefiting from prostate cancer surgery and radiation therapy, but according to a new U.S.read more

  • Cancer is biggest fear but 34 per cent put it down to fate

    Updated: 2010-12-08 00:01:00
    Cancer is the nation's number one fear but more than a third think getting the disease is down to fate and there is nothing they can do to avoid it - according to a Cancer Research UK survey out today (Wednesday).

  • Study supports use of radiotherapy in localised breast cancer (DCIS)

    Updated: 2010-12-08 00:01:00
    A new study in the Lancet Oncology medical journal has shown that women with ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), the most common type of non-invasive breast cancer, may benefit from radiotherapy after surgery.

  • Experts advise against mass screening programme for prostate cancer

    Updated: 2010-12-07 17:26:00
    The UK National Screening Committee (UK NSC) has advised against introducing a population screening programme for prostate cancer, after a review revealed that the harms involved with using the PSA test to screen for the disease would outweigh the benefits.

  • Daily low-dose aspirin 'reduces death rates for several cancers'

    Updated: 2010-12-07 00:01:00
    A new study in the Lancet medical journal adds to a growing body of evidence suggesting that a daily dose of aspirin can reduce the risk of dying from several types of cancer, with even low-dose aspirin appearing to be beneficial.

  • Dec 5, colonoscopy

    Updated: 2010-12-05 13:55:47
    what can I eat in the last 4 days before colonoscop

  • Dec 5, colon cancer polyps at young age

    Updated: 2010-12-05 13:52:50
    hi, i had my 1st colonoscopy a week ago age 37, about a year an a half ago i noticed i was feeling hungry all the time and was eating a lot more yet when

  • Trial results show dramatically improved survival for relapsed childhood leukaemia

    Updated: 2010-12-04 00:01:00
    A new treatment increases survival to almost 70 per cent for children whose acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) returns, according to the results of a trial published online in the Lancet

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